Victoria Arduino Eagle One 2 Group Volumetric Espresso Machine
The Eagle One was crafted with a focus on lessening our environmental impact through the integration of cutting-edge technology. The machine's unique design and the use of new materials minimize carbon emissions resulting from power consumption. This translates into potential savings on power costs, particularly when compared to alternative machines.
NEO (New Engine Optimization) employs an instant heating system with a distinctive insulation mechanism that not only reduces heat dispersion but also lowers energy consumption. This system operates nearly instantly, heating only the required amount of water for extraction, leading to decreased energy-related expenses.
TERS (Temperature Energy Recovery System) utilizes discharged water to pre-heat incoming water, delivering an 8% reduction in total machine consumption.
The Victoria Arduino App empowers baristas by allowing them to generate and share information and recipes, enhancing customization and convenience in the coffee-making process.